Friday, August 13, 2010


Joanna Newsom sprouted from the Nevada City folk-y "scene" several years ago with her foremost album, Ys.

That's one of my biggest regrets. Not being a part of a "scene." I've had the opportunity to be a part of a "scene." I grew up in a very poor area in East Texas that had no "scene" of note. I went to college at a mid-sized college in a mid-sized college town with no "scene."

So many "scenes" to create for my own and I was too damn lazy to do anything about it.

Newsom plays the harp. It takes guts to play the harp. You don't see a ton of harpists attempting to vend their pop songs on the public because the public typically doesn't react well to harps. They're pretentious and take up a lot of space.

It's beautiful music from a beautiful person. I'm not attracted to Newsom at all. But she's still beautiful. Kind of in the same way that sculpture or painting is beautiful. She carries a certain amount of elegance and grace, and I'm sure it stems from her chosen profession and her instrument. If she were the drummer for The Who, I don't know if I say the same things about her.

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