Tuesday, January 13, 2009

'Countdown to Ecstasy'

Over the past eight years or so, I've become an unbelievable fan of Steely Dan.

And I found out that this album -- the band's second -- was the favorite of Donald Fagen, one of the Dan's masterminds.

That's comforting. And it shows. You can also typically realize when an album or song is the artist's favorite because it comes out in the recording. This is a damn-near perfect album. Technically, it's as layered, deep and exhausting as any album produced in the 1970s. Aesthetically, it's pleasing. Melodies and harmonies galore, played over a series of fantastic keyboard and guitar set-ups and brilliant rhythm sections.

It's just tough listening to a band named after a dildo in William S. Burroughs' "Naked Lunch" with my 2-year-old daughter.

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