Thursday, January 22, 2009

'Jefferson Airplane'

Here's a hypothetical for you: Aliens come to Earth and they approach you (as Earth's king) and give you an ultimatum -- they're going to destroy the planet unless you pick 10 music acts to be abolished and erased from human consciousness, Sam Goody's and iTunes for all eternity.

Jefferson Airplane's one of the top 10, right? Look at it this way, I dislike The Doors and Bob Marley, but I understand that people gather some kind of enjoyment or value from those acts.

I even guy why folks like Yanni and John Tesh (as if we could ever get rid of the NBA on NBC theme song).

But Jefferson Airplane! What a waste. Any band that name's an album "Surrealistic Pillow" should be shot.

Although, I would have sex with Grace Slick. If the opportunity ever arose, it would be mandatory really if I wanted to or not.

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