Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Al Pacino was nominated for an Oscar for his role as officer Frank Serpico. Frankly, I would've also nominated his mustache and beard for seperate honors. They were outstanding.

This is my second favorite Pacino performance behind "Dog Day Afternoon." Of course, I can't really get into his later roles because he got so old, so quickly. There's something about young Pacino that is so much better than old Pacino.

Of course, this movie is also about loneliness. Although Serpico tended to be a lone wolf, a guy going against the grain, personally it didn't seem like he was a willingly party to be alone. In fact, twice he was left by some hot pieces.

If you read about Serpico, you realize that those two women were actually his wives. In the film, I don't remember them actually being married. But I could be wrong.

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