Tuesday, January 13, 2009

'White Light/White Heat'

The last of the Velvet Underground on this list.

I like the Underground. They're cool, noisy and good. I guess. I get why peole would want to listen to them. I just don't understand why anyone would like them.

It's like being a Jonathan Brandis fan. Sure, his output was a tour de force after tour de force. But his career was simply too short to be a real fan.

All I remember is the film "Almost Famous" when the main character is standing outside a rock radio station interviewing rock critic Lester Bangs (played beautifully by the great Phillip Seymour Hoffman). There, Bangs recommends playing some "White Light/White Heat." The DJ comments that it may be too early for that.

That makes me wonder why the main character isn't in school (if it's the morning) and if it's after school, how is it too early. Isn't after 2 p.m. when many things cease to be to early to consume?

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