Monday, February 2, 2009


Tipper Gore should protest the music industry to place warning labels on music not meant to be listened to before the age of, say, 23.

Yes would need that designation.

Not that there's anything, messagewise, that someone 17 should not hear, but Yes and Steely Dan and artists of that ilk took the fun out of music and made it serious. And yet, it had nothing to do with money. In fact, it was the repulsion of wanting to make money and be famous.

Not saying that Steve Howe didn't get laid for his intro to "Roundabout," but he probably wanted to make a brilliant piece of music that only subscribers to "Guitar World" would truly appreciate.

At 16 when I first listened to Yes, I thought they were boring and sucked. They lacked the grit and attitude that I loved about music. Now, a little bit older and wiser, I appreciate the complexity and insanely hard work it took for those really talented guys to create something so cohesive and good.

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