Monday, February 2, 2009

'My Winnipeg'

The problem I face with watching, reading and listening to the 1,001 films, books and records I should watch, read and listen to before I die is that each year, more and more records, books and films are added to the list.

But an "official" list is not put out every year. So I take some of the "best" of that year and add them on. Unofficially.

"My Winnipeg" is unofficially a film I should watch before I die.

But I'm certainly glad I did. It's a low budget artsy house film about a guy's divorce from his hometown, Winnipeg.

And it's great. It's especially great if you yourself grew up in a town that had no identity or had an identity but let it fall apart. Also, there are the fascinating and almost unbelievable anecdotes and tidbits that every town has. These are the things that you tell other people and they can't fathom that happening.

The "What If ..." day and the horses freezing the river come to mind.

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