Friday, February 20, 2009


I've heard this question many times: "Why is he/she famous?" This is typically directed at socialites like Paris Hilton, who have no discernible other than the ability to be born in the right family.

I don't really one way or another because I don't subscribe to any news programs or outlets that feature people like her very much. As long as they don't mind being photographed, then photograph them, I guess.

My personal questions is why is Tom Waits famous? I guess the better question is, why is Tom Waits important?

What has he done, who has he influenced to the point that people fall over themselves to cite Waits as an influence or a good musician or singer? He pretty parlayed an entire career of crap into a spot in "Coffee and Cigarettes" that featured people with real talent talking about nothing. Like Bill Murray. And the White Stripes.

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