Friday, February 13, 2009

'The Ice Storm'

An interesting commentary (actually, I don't know how much commentary there is) on sex in America.

Why is it that our privates causes more pain, anguish and sadness than anything else? Why are our naughty parts such devisive instruments used for bad? Why is it when things go to shit, all we want to do is hump each other?

And then, we tend to ostrasize prostitutes or teenagers that get pregnant out of wedlock. Look at the way we treat porn stars. All these people are trying to do is get everyone off and make some money off of it. But we wouldn't be caught dead being seen with them or being their friends.

We seem to be more than willing to sleep with everyone, but getting caught is like death.

If sex wasn't so awesome, I would probably think harder about these things.

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