Monday, June 29, 2009

'The Crying Game'

War. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing.

Watching "The Crying Game" and "No Man's Land" would be a pretty good study in the nature of war. There's seemingly arbitrary sides and people fight for something they feel is right. Typically, these people are cut from the same crust, both pawns for politicans and leaders seeking more of whatever they're after.

Typically. The American Civil War was a good fight, right (the bigger question being how civil is war anyway?)? Slavery? How about World War II?

War and fighting may never be abolished. It will exist forever. But I guess the point is can't we cut out the small junk that lasts forever and ever? How long did the IRA go around fighting and bombing, killing folks for no particular reason? Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Co. did more sitting at lunch counters and getting beaten with fire hose blasts in a decade than the IRA did in 100 years.

The structure of this film is also unusual being that half the movie is building up to the true story: the Irish guy going to London and looking after the English soldier's girlfriend. Or whatever. It's a film in two parts.

I also like that with the sub-head of "Sex. Betrayal. Murder." that there were a lot of Americans going to the movies not expecting a current events lesson on Ireland.

It does suck that all the movie posters are of Rita Skeeter, who was the biggest non-character in the whole film.

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