Monday, June 22, 2009

'The Long, Dark Teatime of the Soul'

Since reading the "Hitchhikers" series and then the two Dirk Gently stories, I've come to the very real conclusion that Douglas Adams is sort of a hack.

He's pretty much a poor man's Kurt Vonnegut. Except Vonnegut can write and Adams kinda crafts these sprawling stories that are supposed to be some comment on the absurdity of human behavior. That's about it. Which makes him a poor man's Vonnegut. Or maybe he's a British man's Vonnegut.

I know that Adams is trying to say something, but what do Norse gods coming to Earth to wreak havoc (for no reason?) trying to say? That the Norse are angry?

And then the twist that Odin had in fact sold out and been paid to advertise for soda? None of it ever makes sense.

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