Monday, June 22, 2009

'The Good, The Bad And The Ugly'

I've thoroughly enjoyed the westerns I've watched as part of this project. Particularly the spaghetti westerns from Sergio Leone.

It's just that they're so well done on so many different levels. Westerns had never been so well done before and they'll never be that good again. Mostly because it's not about the technology available in film making.

Essentially, the western is worn, dirty and bare bones as the sand and grit that Clint Eastwood spits out with every long stare and knowing smirk. You don't need anything fancy to make a good western ... just a good story and good director. The acting can be halfassed and the story doesn't have to be that good, but you need a guy behind the camera that knows how to capture the setting and sell the crowd that this land is as unforgiving and hateful as hell itself. The Coen brothers nailed it with "No Country for Old Men."

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